Not-So-Popular Food Trends to Follow This Holiday Season

With Christmas not less than a month away, soon you will be walking down the brightly illuminated streets bundled up in winter coats and shopping for Christmas and New Year. If you’re thinking of making some special cuisines for family and friends, follow these not-so-popular trends. Make the oncoming holiday season extra special by trying chicken and waffles Southern recipes, grilled carrots appetizer recipe and something more.

  • Mix and Match: Chicken & Waffles – Chicken and waffles recipe is perfect for a lazy holiday time. Serve fried chicken in a bowl and the waffles in a plate and let everyone build their own dish as per their taste. This recipe is so easy but looks kind of fancy and almost unique and new for many. It will be loved and cherished by all. Therefore, waste no time brainstorming what yummy dish to be prepared.
  • Mashed Potato with Sauteed Vegetables – The continental recipe will surely delight your taste buds with its lip smacking flavors. This side dish recipe is the perfect solution if you wish to treat your family with a healthy yet mouth-watering dish. You can pair it with any curry of your choice to relish it’s amazing flavors. When served with grilled fish, it will become a great night recipe. This can also be served with appetizers. Let’s start the dinner party!                                                            Chicken and waffles Southern recipes
  • Salads with Unique Combinations – Salads are just so versatile and can change so much from one season to the next. The salad is a healthy option, but make sure to make boring salads interesting with a unique combination. A simple way to give your salad a boost is by adding store bought ingredients to the salad dressing. Dress your salad with new combinations such as fruits, grains, legumes, quinoa and more and it will always be a fascinating experience each time.
  • Moroccan Food – Moroccan food is popular because it is both diverse and vibrant. Full of colors, flavors, spices and ingredients, moroccan dishes taste mouth-watering. Moroccan cuisine is healthy and tasty. The main ingredients of any Moroccan dish include vegetables, whole grains, freshly prepared food, spices and sweet fruit. Try it this time and enjoy!
  • Tricky Sandwiches – Making a great sandwich is an art often. So, this holiday season does not settle down for the boring stacks of bread, cheese, meat, vegetables and sauces. Get rid of the sad sandwich scenario with mouthwatering combinations that don’t require you to turn on the oven or stove. Promise, these sandwiches will never disappoint you instead will satiate you to the core of your heart. Elaborate or simple, stuffed or layered, grilled or toasted, you’ll surely love the sandwiches.

The above mentioned not so popular food trends are suitable for the upcoming holiday season and will surely leave your family and friends licking their fingers. You can also try chicken and waffles Southern recipes, Asian lettuce wraps recipe, and other appetizers to give a new taste to your Christmas meal.

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